Saturday 13 February 2010

Bored :-(

Dumped my ex partner of 2 years and 6 months a couple of weeks ago...

Had a friend round for the weekend last weekend and had good company with him watching Skins Series one on DVD and a couple of movies too.

Been on a couple of gay dating/social networking sites the past week or so and have 2 different young men who say they are interested but appear to be time-wasters.

Am a bit bored waiting for them to prove they aren't time-wasters but it's looking like they are :-(

I'm going to get the one that I'm meant to be having round today for a meal and cuddles and a movie until 14:00hrs to respond to a text message asking when he plans to come round. His phone is currently switched off -- just tried to phne him as my text to him hadn't had a delivery receipt.

And then I'm going to phone the friend from last weekend and ask if he still wants to see me today.

I guess that's what happens when you get chased by a young man half your age -- they mess you around :-(

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