Thursday 5 November 2009

Snow Leopard Upgrade

I upgraded my main mac to Snow Leopard just over a month ago :-)

I eventually setup Time Machine a couple of weeks ago which is quite good for my piece of mind.

Have spent a lot of time with iPhoto 09 naming faces in it's face recognition - I'm not really sure how wonderful this will be.

What is great is another feature of iPhoto -- the one-touch uploading of photos to the internet. You get severl host sites - mobileme -Apple's own web hosting, Facebook and Flicker. I don't think it's got Picasa though... You just select the photos you want to upload (I did it with my Facebook account) click the icon for the host and POW! it uploads them to an album in Facebook :-) no more browsing for each individual photo and waiting for it to upload before you can pick the next one. I went to town a bit and uploaded selected photos from the past 6 years into about 60 albums.

It was easier than transferring photos to my digital photoframe.

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Carrot Cake :-P

Made some carrot cake this evening :-P

A female colleague has been pestering me to make and bring in to work since I did in March for my birthday. I finally caved in and made because I had carrots left over from buying a bag to go with supper on Friday night. So, all I needed to buy was some cream cheese for in the icing.

Made 3 separate cakes by dividing the mixture between three one pound loaf tins - it also has the advantage of the cakes cooking more evenly in my ancient and clapped out oven. Got in a bit of a mess when I was making the icing as I kept adding too much icing sugar at one time and it getting everywhere which meant it got all-over my clothes as I was sitting on the couch in the lounge watching TV as I made it.

Am giving the female colleague one of the cakes as she's meeting a friend who's visiting from half a world away -- can't recall if her friend is from Oz or N.Z.

I'll take another one in to work to slice and share with other colleagues -- it wont last long there!

And the last one, which had a slight accident (it fell on its side and covered the kitchen worktop with icing - which tastes lovely! - you didn't expect me not to taste the icing that stuck to the worktop?) but I managed to repair its icing, will go with me to R's on Thursday night to share -- he enjoyed it the last time I made for him.

I do enjoy baking when I remember to do some -- I just wish there wasn't so much washing up to do :-(