Saturday 20 August 2022

Tarting up a bit of the Garden Wall

Since I moved here 8 years ago, there's been a bit of the wall of my neighbour's extension that's a bit unsightly - awful pink blockwork :-(

So, some months ago I got some tiles on Freecycle that I decided I was going to tart up that bit of wall with :-)

It took me some time to get around t it as I'd noticed that they had a damp course that I couldn't bridge. I eventually found a couple of bits of scrap wood to support the first row of tiles and got started with mortar to stick tiles on.

Ten things went a bit pear shaped and the mortar wasn't sticking very well and one of the picture tiles fell off and broke into 7 pieces :-( So, I gave up for a few weeks until a colleague suggested a product that I could try...

So,here's the end result - I think it looks better than the awful pink blockwork.

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