Thursday 10 November 2022

Net MD now usable

A few years ago I had a bit of a spending spree on eBay and bought a Sony MZ-N10 Net MD Minidisc Recorder, USB transfer cable and mains power supply for it.

I had become frustrated with my 60GB iPod Classic that has all my music on it - trying to find something to play is poor when you have 10,000+ tracks :-O I had a plan to go back to using Minidiscs as my original MD Recorder worked on an AA battery with 40-50 hours playback ad 2 albums on a disc so easier to find music.

Then I discovered that Sony's software (Sonic Stage) for transferring music to minidiscs didn't work on Windows 7 :-( After months of doing google searches, I found a way to install it on Windows 7. Then found out it was rubbish and had to spend a very long time converting all my Apple iTunes format music to MP3s to be able to use Sonic Stage to convert them to ATRAC for transferring to Minidisc. Even then it took ages to burn a Minidisc :-( So, I basically gave up on that project and wrote off the 60+ pounds I'd spent.

Was bored the other weekend and did a google search for Net MD on Windows 10. Imagine my surprise when I found a website that described how to install on Windows 10 but went on to ask "why would you when there's Web MiniDisc Pro?"

I investigated and there's this web-based APP that you can transfer any format music and name tracks on existing discs as well! And it works on Windows, MacOS and Linux.

Been trying it out on my MacMini and can transfer Apple format tracks and FLAC and MP3s and it's fast. Also used it to rename the tracks on some of my existing Minidiscs. is where it's at - I'm so glad I found it :-)

I've now got to decide whether my next project is to replace the built-in battery of the NetMD or just use it as the transfer device and for playing connected to the stereo in the room my MacMini is in :-O

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