Friday 30 April 2010

Maspalomas Pride 30/04/2010 Friday

Woke fairly early 06:00hrs Jackie (nails) had texted me to ask if I wanted to be a Steward walking by their float in the Pride Parade. Texted back to say yes and I’d probably pop in to check details that evening. Got ready for a trip to Puerto Mogan. Breakfasted showered, and shaved.

Left about 09:30hrs for the bank on the way… Got to the bank and realised my wallet was empty of cash card :( forgot I’d taken everything out of it and put cards in money-belt on Tuesday night.

Walked back to apartment and got cash card and money from bank. Went to bus stop at Yumbo to get bus to Puerto Mogan. Arrived at the bus stop at 09:50hrs ish bus at 10:09hrs it said – know that the bus times are totally random so waited and waited about 10:20hrs a 32 bus for Puerto Mogan came but was full so didn’t stop. Decide to walk to the bus station and maybe catch an extra bus on the way. Ran to a bus stop about three quarters way to the bus station when I saw a 32 bus and got it. Next bus stop we got passed by another 32 bus (turned out to be the direct by the motorway one why do they have 2 different routes with the same bus number!?) of course at this point I didn’t know I was on the one that visits every resort and village along the coast – it took 1hr 20mins to do the 35mins journey… Matter not I had my iPod to listen to:)

When we got near to Puerto Mogan, I could see from the cliff that there appeared to be no market stalls along the break-water… No market!? Market was still on but seemed to be greatly reduced.

But, very good fortune! Two stalls selling table cloths were for fixed prices so no bargaining. Prices were much lower than I had bargained down to last times. Got 2 pastel shades ones for Mum for €5 each and another square one for me at €6 and one for my bigger table for €12 €28 total I know I spent more than that for 2 last year! Also bought an acrylic painting of a beach with boats on it to get framed at home cost a bit €32 probably wont go Whale and Dolphin spotting now.

Lazed around and went out for Chinese buffet for dinner was OK but bland and tepid had 2 plates full and some ice-cream purple and orange coloured.

Popped into Jackie’s bar to check when where etc. chatted to Jackie (owner) a scouser for a bit then went to meet the guys at Nestor. Went on to Centre Stage for a couple then home. Borrowed (with manager’s permission -- he fancies me) a pint glass to be able to have decent drinks of water and juice :)

Walked home and had a G&T before bed.

Thursday 29 April 2010

Maspalomas Pride 29/04/2010 Thursday

I got up late and decided that I would wait for Glynn to text me. Had breakfast then went for a swim in the pool and cut my toe getting out – not much blood but ruined me for the beach for a couple of days :( – don’t want to get sand in the cut. Glynn didn’t text until about 12:30hrs.

Texted him back explaining I couldn’t go but would see them at Nestor in the evening. Been typing up this while listening to music (Housemartins and then Keane’s “Hopes and Fears”).

Going to Nestor for a snack lunch and internet to upload this stuff :) Left my fizzy wine there last night saying I’d pick it up this afternoon. If they remember about it, I’ll ask to trade it for 7up.

They didn’t offer me the fizzy wine so I didn’t ask. Spent ages trying to connect to the internet – got help from a cute English guy that seems to live here – saw him here last year. It would appear that their Wi-Fi isn’t working properly hey ho. Will try tomorrow and then give up and go to Orange for a 3G dongle probably :) Didn’t bother checking again – not worth all that money to just get internet.

Had Pizza de Casa for dinner – it was lots of Mozzarella, chopped red pepper, some black olives and lots of flaked tuna – quite nice:)

Popped into Jackie’s Bar to buy a ticket for the coach trip (€10 including tapas lunch) on Thursday 6th also volunteered again to help with Pride.

Went to Nestor for a couple meeting Glynn & Daryl and Graham and John. Went on to the Cellar club “naked in the dark” paid my €5 entry stripped to my trainers and got my wristband and drink voucher. Had a G&T spend a bit there had 2 sucks and sucked 2 one I sucked was a pencil dick quite nice long foreskin but a little cheesy other was tiny but boy did it grow! Was bigger than mine hard and he had a BCR in his perineum which was horny he liked my nipple ring and gave me a good squeezing of my nipples when he was sucking me :-P didn’t cum throughout the time there. Came close to when watching 2 French skinheads in the sling one fucking the other’s brains out went off the boil when the fucker got his arse felt and started shouting at whoever it was.

Met the guys for one in Centre Stage after and told the gory details and went home.

Wednesday 28 April 2010

Maspalomas Pride 28/04/2010 Wednesday

Woke 06:30hrs still dark went to toilet and back to bed for a read. Started My Side of the Story by Will Davis. I read it before last year – had forgotten it was written in very American language although set in London.

Got up after a bit. Breakfast – boring muesli :( – wish I’d been able to take my Raisin Wheats with me… Took my pills and a de-caff coffee.

Dressed and went for a walk to the beach.

What a shock!There seems to have been big storms that have washed away a lot of the sand exposing rocks which end about 10 yards into the naturist bit. Took my trainers off and paddled until I got to the gay bit then skinned off and was tempted by the water so swam for a bit and besides I was needing a pee too lol The waves were quite big so it would probably have been no bathing red flag but the life guards weren’t working yet so I was able to enjoy being in the waves :) Didn’t have a towel with me so had to stand in front of two old queens in their 50’s or 60’s brushing most of the water off me with my hands until I was dry enough to put my polo shirt on walked back to the end of the naturist beach and put my shorts back on – I wasn’t fully dry but hey ho…

Walked along to the taxi rank and got one back to the apartment €4.50 over tipped it up to €5. Back to apartment and had a shower shave and cleaned my teeth. Read more of my book. 11:00hrs watched some porn on the laptop then had a snooze until 16:00hrs. Had sandwiches then went out in search of a 3G dongle for internet expensive!

€3 per MB

€20 for 250MB
250MB included in Dongle cost

€12 per 1GB
€12 is per week with up to 1GB

Will see if Pub Nestor still has free Wi-Fi if you buy drinks and probably use that – you can buy a lot of lemonades for €64 that the Orange dongle would cost for the 2 weeks.

Came home and tried internet again no luck :( so, typed up this diary for a bit :)

Went out for dinner after 20:00hrs and had the grilled chicken breast with mushroom sauce – tasty a pint of Tropicale too drink not harsh like Amstel.

Went to Pub Nestor for a couple of drinks intending to go to the Cellar afterwards for some men . Had a 7up and the drag queen came over and put her hand on my shoulder and said you all right chicken – flattery will get you everywhere! I said thank you :) sat watching the talent then got a beer. Then they announced that it was “Open the Box” tonight (their charity game ) – I thought that was on Tuesday nights. Decided to stay as it’s fun to watch the “postmen” standing there in their underwear. To Irish guys Shane (gorgeous geek :-P) and his partner Paul joined me at the table to get a better “ringside seat”. It wasn’t busy and, when the drag queen came to sell us our raffle tickets, she said she really needed volunteers for to be the “Postmen”… She asked Shane and he agreed. Then she asked me – I tried to say no drawing attention to my belly saying that the audience wouldn’t want to see that on stage lol She was quite insistent so I agreed to do it if she couldn’t find someone cuter… She came back after selling all the tickets she could saying she couldn’t find anyone else to be a postman so I had to do it – I don’t think she tried very hard to find someone lol.

Shane and I got up on the stage and the drag queen introduced us asking our names then decided that there would be a twist… Postmen normally have to strip to their underpants but tonight they would be undressed by audience members. I got an older guy from Cardiff called Graham. He ended up with a winning ticket at the next stage. Shane had to go into the audience to get someone to shuffle the envelopes that go in the numbered boxes. Meanwhile, the drag queen described the fabulous prizes and got me to display them to the audience. Shane and I then pulled the three winning numbers out of the “hat”. (Photo here is a library picture from Nestor's Facebook page)

We then got thanked with a bottle of fizzy wine each and sent to put our clothes back on. The winners were brought up in front of us all and blindfolded and a random from the audience was picked that they had to guess the age of by touch only. One guy said 45 and 2 months (Cardiff Graham) the next said 45 and the last said 32. The drag queen misheard the 32 guy deciding he said 38 and he didn’t argue so got through to the second round there were shouts of 32 but he got away with it :(. The eliminator was for him and Graham to lap-dance for two audience members (one was Paul) Graham did OK but the other guy must have actually been to a lap-dancing club because he really put on a show and was all-over Paul so, he won. Then he got to open a box and won a meal for 2 (I think) then Graham was picked to come up on stage and open the rest of the boxes to prove that the jackpot of €200 was actually there. Each box that wasn’t the jackpot he had to remove an item of clothing. He found it on the first or second box he opened. So, of course, the goalposts were shifted and he had to find the cuddly toy (two cuddly monkeys cuddling each other) so, he had to strip down to his underpants – he had a surprisingly good body for his age – no belly.

As Shane had been making eyes at me all evening, I decided to forego the Cellar as I had the impression a threesome was being offered so I went to Centre stage with him and Paul. When we got there Paul, by his body language, made it clear I wasn’t welcome :(

Had a pint and a half of Carling while dancing to the good songs from musicals – they had a mix of virtually all the songs from Mama Mia which was fun.

A guy called Glynn
(with his boyfriend) started talking to me . We exchanged numbers and agreed to go to the beach in the morning.

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Maspalomas Pride 27/04/2010 Tuesday

Got up at 02:00hrs as woke for a pee and worried would fall asleep again as had to leave for airport at 03:00hrs. Ate the last 4 chicken gougons from last night as breakfast and had a glass of water with my pills.

Shaved, cleaned teeth and had a strip wash standing in the bath made the bath mat a bit wet but it’ll dry.

Left for airport at 02:45hrs – early but hey ho…

As bridge valley road is closed (the hill down to the Portway) I went down Park Row and past the bus station didn’t realise I was in the wrong lane for the airport and ended up going through Bedminster but recovered and got on the correct road – was early so it didn’t matter.

Got to airport terminal at 03:30hrs having parked in the Silver Zone and got the shuttle bus.

Cleared security and thought I’d lost my pocket hard drive. Went through bag and found it –Pheww! None of the concession shops was open other than the duty free shopping. Went for a pee then back to get some gin – 2 litres for £16 – same as last year :)
Usual boring wait for flight. Bought litre of chilled mineral water from Superdrug didn’t buy breakfast like I planned.

Cute guy in queue for flight with his attractive girlfriend. Sat behind them on the plane and lusted after his little ears and his skinny arm could have licked the back of his neck he was so tasty :-P

Weird seating on Ryanair… they don’t let you sit in the back 4 rows during takeoff and landing – they said it was for the stability of the aircraft – odd… And the seats don’t recline but they were comfortable which was good. Didn’t know how bright the interior was going to be – took photo with phone cam – looked even brighter lol Didn’t fancy the food on the flight although it was considerably cheaper than BMI was last year. Just drank my water ( 1 litre sports cap) and peed it out – 3 times to the toilet

Only male steward was cute – like Jedward :-P wanted to ask for his photograph to be taken with me lol

Landed a bit early must have been a tailwind. HOT!!! Was still wearing black jeans as they wear the heaviest so not put in my hold luggage. Baggage belt was started by the time I’d had a pee. Got my bag then looked out my transfer voucher – rep was there w
ith a clipboard found bus (a coach not like last time when it was a people carrier) . Sweet blond toddler with his mum in the seat in front of me was enjoying himself looking out the window and pulling his mum’s mate’s long hair. Boy to babies pen and ink – his mum changed him and it was one smell nappy :(

Was only the second drop off which was good :)

Got there about 11:00hrs ish. Reception was closed – 2 chubby Spanish teenag
ers told me one hour to wait so I got out the laptop and sat on a bench in the shade to wait.

Phoned my mum to tell her I arrived safely – she said it was a bad line and she had people there with her anyway. Wasn’t able to get a Wi-Fi connection and it was too bright to read the screen properly anyway. Started transferring photos from phone but reception opened again at 11:15hrs so it wasn’t long to wait :) Manager went to check if my apartment was ready – it wasn’t but the one next door was so he gave me it. No. 35 2 doors from the vacant poolbar – people did say in reviews last year they were thinking of selling up. €30 for the safe but I think that’s €15 deposit no point in debating as I need the safe don’t want this laptop nicked do I?

Was in room by 11:30hrs and all unpacked by 12:00hrs. Went to the Spar to get water and stuff for a sandwich. Had a sandwich then realised I’d not brought sunglasses so went to the Yumbo and had a look around got an OK pair for €6.50 which was OK I guess… Then walked up to the shopping centre in the town (rather than the resort) and got more stuff that I needed.

Came back and had a swim in the pool for a bit – English family with 2 boys one of age one about 13 the of age one was quite cute older guy in 30’s probably Dad’s mate was a skinhead and nice :-P Two topless girls 20’s or 30’s asked if I knew anything about CD players they’d been ripped-off with one €50 for a cheap looking thing. The radio was working but CD player had stopped working. When they said they’d had it at the beach all day I said the batteries were probably flat. Saying that yes the radio probably would work when the batteries were too low to play a CD. Said the way to check would be to try a CD when it was on mains. They weren’t convinced so I left them to it. Had a shower and sat down with a G&T to try the internet again – no luck :( So, I watched The Talented Mr. Ripley until just after 20:00hrs and went for a meal at the Yumbo – that Marbella place I went to a lot in 2007. Rump Steak Grill with fries and what they call salad and a pint of Amstel for about €9.50 tipped it up to €10.

Walked home and had another G&T before bed at about 21:30hrs – tired as I’d been up since 02:00hrs. I walked 20,000 steps today according to my mobile’s pedometer and it said it was 10miles!

Sunday 18 April 2010

Places I've been

There's this Cities I've Visited thing on that lets you make a map showing everywhere you've been in the world -- Mine are all in Europe but hey ho....

Hard to believe that I've only been to 10 different countries.