Shaved, cleaned teeth and had a strip wash standing in the bath made the bath mat a bit wet but it’ll dry.
Left for airport at 02:45hrs – early but hey ho…
As bridge valley road is closed (the hill down to the Portway) I went down Park Row and past the bus station didn’t realise I was in the wrong lane for the airport and ended up going through Bedminster but recovered and got on the correct road – was early so it didn’t matter.
Got to airport terminal at 03:30hrs having parked in the Silver Zone and got the shuttle bus.
Cleared security and thought I’d lost my pocket hard drive. Went through bag and found it –Pheww! None of the concession shops was open other than the duty free shopping. Went for a pee then back to get some gin – 2 litres for £16 – same as last year :)
Usual boring wait for flight. Bought litre of chilled mineral water from Superdrug didn’t buy breakfast like I planned.
Cute guy in queue for flight with his attractive girlfriend. Sat behind them on the plane and lusted after his little ears and his skinny arm could have licked the back of his neck he was so tasty :-P

Weird seating on Ryanair… they don’t let you sit in the back 4 rows during takeoff and landing – they said it was for the stability of the aircraft – odd… And the seats don’t recline but they were comfortable which was good. Didn’t know how bright the interior was going to be – took photo with phone cam – looked even brighter lol Didn’t fancy the food on the flight although it was considerably cheaper than BMI was last year. Just drank my water ( 1 litre sports cap) and peed it out – 3 times to the toilet
Landed a bit early must have been a tailwind. HOT!!! Was still wearing black jeans as they wear the heaviest so not put in my hold luggage. Baggage belt was started by the time I’d had a pee. Got my bag then looked out my transfer voucher – rep was there w
Was only the second drop off which was good :)
Got there about 11:00hrs ish. Reception was closed – 2 chubby Spanish teenag
Phoned my mum to tell her I arrived safely – she said it was a bad line and she had people there with her anyway. Wasn’t able to get a Wi-Fi connection and it was too bright to read the screen properly anyway. Started transferring photos from phone but reception opened again at 11:15hrs so it wasn’t long to wait :) Manager went to check if my apartment was ready – it wasn’t but the one next door was so he gave me it. No. 35 2 doors from the vacant poolbar – people did say in reviews last year they were thinking of selling up. €30 for the safe but I think that’s €15 deposit no point in debating as I need the safe don’t want this laptop nicked do I?

Came back and had a swim in the pool for a bit – English family with 2 boys one of age one about 13 the of age one was quite cute older guy in 30’s probably Dad’s mate was a skinhead and nice :-P Two topless girls 20’s or 30’s asked if I knew anything about CD players they’d been ripped-off with one €50 for a cheap looking thing. The radio was working but CD player had stopped working. When they said they’d had it at the beach all day I said the batteries were probably flat. Saying that yes the radio probably would work when the batteries were too low to play a CD. Said the way to check would be to try a CD when it was on mains. They weren’t convinced so I left them to it. Had a shower and sat down with a G&T to try the internet again – no luck :( So, I watched The Talented Mr. Ripley until just after 20:00hrs and went for a meal at the Yumbo – that Marbella place I went to a lot in 2007. Rump Steak Grill with fries and what they call salad and a pint of Amstel for about €9.50 tipped it up to €10.
Walked home and had another G&T before bed at about 21:30hrs – tired as I’d been up since 02:00hrs. I walked 20,000 steps today according to my mobile’s pedometer and it said it was 10miles!
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