Friday 16 July 1993


Got up at 06:00 as several roosters were crowing like buggery couldn't have a shower until 07:30 but it was more like 08:00 by the time I got it. Went into brussels via a supermarket - big mistake as I then had to carry groceries around Brussels. Mind you, there were several cute checkout boys! I could have taken anyone of them back to the tent and to fuck with sightseeing! Got a tram into Brussels - an old dear at the tramstop chatted to me while the tram was coming - in French - they don't seem to mind talking French in Brussels! Couldn't find the Telkel Bar (now thinking about it in 2010 it was probably Tel Quels?) as the street name I got from the Switchboard was crap. Eventually got a Brussels guide from the Tourist Info - quick! Find the Gay Section! Tried to get to the Cancan Taverne but the guide gave the wrong opening hours. Found Why Not but opening hours were wrong too - by 12 hours! What was next door to Why Not? But a leather shop (I mean Leather Bob harnesses, cock rings, hoods - you name it!) It said coiffeur on the sign - Hair Dresser? NOT! Eventually plucked the courage up to go in and ask why Why Not wasn't open as my guide said it was. That guide is crap. Have the proper free one for Brussels - see it gives the proper hours 12 midnight not 12 noon! And look, I'm marked too! So he was! Under hairdresser!

Sat down on the pavement and had a read of the guide A2 sized folded up sheet. Found out there was a gay snack bar on the other side of Why Not. So went in and had a Croque Monsieur (ham and cheese toast with a nice side salad included) and a beer. Really cute chicken playing the Adams Family pin-ball machine. He had a friend with him and a big shaggy dog - looked friendly too. But left after I finished my toast, the "patron" wasn't busy and came over and told me about the best places to go to. When I was finished my beer, I left in search of a gay sex shop to get a Porno mag for exercising my tool with. It was getting so hot that I decided to come back to the campsite and sunbathe. Saw some cuties on the tram - black chicken (or chickenish) with an absolutely HUGE packet! Still sunbathing but it's clouding over but not cold yet. Will probably go into town this evening or night - for scientific interest merely of course!

I'm in the Cancan Taverne and it's a bit of a hole - subdued lighting but nice music - disco type stuff. Very small 2 booths and about a dozen bar stools round the walls. The waitress is "kinda cute" but attached I fear. Nice touch the stairs to the toilet (upstairs) you can get a good look at a guy you fancy when he goes up to the bog! I just have... 2 guys sat down next to me one very sexy one each! Chatted for a while the cute one is a Zippo collector sees my Zippo doesn't close properly and fixes it for me. They buy me a drink and the cute one pours half of his into the one I have - I'm not complaining. We chat for ages and have a lot in common. I get the idea that I'll be going back with him his name is Donald. Tall slim light brown hair well tanned and really cute. Then he says he has to go or he'll miss his tram gives me his address and phone no - I should have asked to go with him. I stay on and finish my drink. Other and me go to Cercle 52 a club. Buy each other a drink and get introduced to the back rooms - don't do it with him but get some nice blow jobs and wanks from persons unknown. Leave on my own at about 04:00 and have to walk back to the campsite more than 5 miles! Get back about 06:15 and crash until about 13:30 or so.

Never came in the back rooms as was probably too drunk - I'd had equivalent of 7 bottles of Becks - didn't really get fully hard but them lot seemed to enjoy it will probably go to Cancan again and maybe Cercle 52 - I have a week's honorary membership to there. They have T.V. Monitors in the bars showing porn all the time interesting!? Didn't end up going back there...

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