Sunday 18 July 1993


Went to Brussels to sightsee as it was dull dry fairly warm did the No. 2 tour by foot had not worn sox because I was running low and thought it might rain. Should have worn sox with the trainers because I got blisters (really bad on back of left heel). About lunchtime on the tour I saw a McD's sign went in that direction and almost immediately saw a Quick Burgers they had a special on a quick king menu with a free glass so I had that. Found a dead insect in the lettuce when I looked for pickle/mustard/anything g they put I. I don't like. Told a very cute guy on the customer area about it then when finished went to counter and told duty manager. He offered me another burger even though I had eaten the one I said I wouldn't complain if he gave me another free glass. He did. I din't. Finished tour and went home after having bought 2 pornos which turned out to be crap and a postcard for Gregor Anthony.

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