Tuesday 4 May 2010

Maspalomas Pride 04/05/2010 Tuesday

Woke early 05:00hrs. Read a bit. Breakfast at 08:00hrs swam at 09:00hrs and showered. Still a little sore in the head :(, neck and back :( bad mattress is part of it :(

Been listening to iTunes and typing up entries since Friday evening’s entry.

Have decided to go to the Basement Studio’s Pool Party tonight probably get a decent shag there like last year €5 or €10 entry including a drink so should be fun :-P Just checked -- It’s not until Wednesday night :( But they have a daytime Pool Party today – it’s cloudy so won’t bother today . Oh Well… tomorrow night it is then:)

Went shopping at Hiperdino fucking cute chicken in front of me at the checkout (local) footie kit with boxers underneath and the footie shorts were very low showing several inches of boxers :-P
He used his credit card and had to wait while I got served for authorisation from the supervisor which extended my delicious view of him – he was a short-arse too which was even better :-P

Spent a lot of time indoors reading my book Terry Pratchett’s “Men at Arms” which is OK no real belly laughs though :(

Went out earlier with the “green Banana” discount card I got from the coach transfer people to McDonald's the booklet said 2 Medium Big Mac Meals for €9.50 I walked over 2 miles to get to the dump to be told that offer does not exist… I said if you want to move the goal posts then I wont bother then marched out and bent the card twice and put it in their bin outside. It wasn’t as if their “offer” would have been that good value for money compared to the UK.

Went to Marbella again instead had rump steak grilled with chips and salad and a pint of Tropicale for the same price as the non-existent McDonald's deal. Which was better anyway :)
As was still early, went to Nestor for a Sprite and texted the guys (Glynn and also Graham) were they out to play? Got no answer so when my drink was finished walked to Chaps but couldn’t drum up the enthusiasm to go in. Walked back to Yumbo and watched some tumblers (fucking cute!) and a drumming band that was accompanying them then had a look to see if Jackie’s bar was an option… It was packed out the door and most of the people in the street were customers – well they looked like Lesbians :) Went back to Nestor and Graham and John were there with Glynn and Daryl. Had a couple of pints of Tropicale Glynn and Daryl left early as flying out Wednesday. Finished our drinks and G&J went for a romantic walk I had a turn round the Yumbo then went home for a G&T then bed.

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