Sunday 9 May 2010

Maspalomas Pride 09/05/2010 Sunday

Had a lazy lie in then had breakfast read a lot and snoozed a lot finished the Harry Potter 3 book.

Went out in the afternoon for lunch a toasted cheese and ham sandwich then went on internet in the amusement arcade to check on flight news… Says to keep checking…:( Also watched 2 movies Latter Days then The Day of the Jackal.) Had a bit of sinus pain which was giving me a sore ear and headache.

Went out for dinner to the Chinese place on the corner at the far end of the Yumbo – the one with fixed price “House Menus”. Took them a good time (at least 10 minutes) to notice me sitting there even though I’d waited to be shown to a table! Then they gave me a menu and asked what drink. I asked for a large lemonade WHOOOOOSH and it was by my side then a 20 minute wait ( I checked on my watch) with the three waitresses who weren’t at all busy ignoring my attempts to catch their eyes to order my meal. I was not impressed – they were totally ignorant and frankly rude. I had quite a long wait for my spring rolls starter and a 15 minute wait for my main course after I had finished my starter. The food when it came was swimming in grease, tepid and over-seasoned with massive quantities of MSG. It was unlike any Chinese food I have had in many European countries and in two other Chinese restaurants in the Yumbo...

They then took ages to bring the bill when I was finished and even longer to bring my change too. Needless to say, I did not tip.

Interestingly, the staff made no attempt to hide what they think of the food they are serving by having several pizzas delivered for their staff meal.

I’ll note the name of the place tomorrow -- Took the photo of it (above) instead.

Had a look in Jackie’s bar for the 2 trannies as they said they’d see me for a drink – no sign of them so, sore head still there I went home and straight to bed.

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