Thursday 6 May 2010

Maspalomas Pride 06/05/2010 Thursday

Up early and had a swim once I could. Showered and went to the bank to get some more money. Phoned to confirm my airport transfer back home on Tuesday. That went easily – much better way of doing it than in the past when you had to phone and no answer – they give you a day you have to phone on when you see the rep on arrival at the airport unlike previously. As I’d been told 11:00hrs for the coach trip, I watched some porn to kill some time lol :-P

Arrived at the Yumbo Mini Golf at 10:35hrs with no-one waiting so, checking my ticket it said 11:30hrs bus leaves so, went for a wander around the Yumbo looking in the Visante electronics shop that Eddie said was honest 5 years ago. Not bothered by any hard sell assistants like other places tend to do when you even look in their windows. Got back to the Mini Golf at about 10:55hrs and still no-one that really looked like they were waiting but a group of Lesbians turned up about the same time as me and then a couple of trannies people did start to arrive shortly but no sign of the organiser Jacky (nails) until about 25 past:) couple of Ollie Geoffreys cute blond in a shocking pink T-shirt and a Mediterranean looking one with him – they were talking in some eastern European language and doing the usual attitude queen thing of making obvious comments about others in the group lol got a couple of not so subtle pics of pink T-shirt later in the trip :-P

Got handed raffle tickets by the rep on boarding the coach she gave me two and wasn’t bothered when I queried her maybe because she was Scottish? lol Trip to blankets presentation was straight up the motorway to Doctoral the town next to Vecindario – rep was OK with some almost bored fake enthusiasm for that sights to point out. Was sat across from the two trannies and handed them my guidebook saying I’d marked the pages of the places we were stopping at – a village and the cave homes place. They read the pages and thanked me. Took lots of pics from the bus window but as usual many had reflections of the bus interior on them some OK :)

Presentation was longer than 5 years ago – not
the same outfit I think we got bucks fizz or fizz or orange juice to drink no cake or tea offered like last time and no liqueur either (the liqueur is the local honeyed brandy – been getting a shot of it with my bill after most evening meals). I won the raffle – a pair of wool insoles and bought a wool back pad – will try it at work – something's needed for the draft there! Been sitting on it as I type (not big enough though) back is sore again so had just put it on my lower back comfy (on top of my T-shirt and it feels nice – maybe the easing of my sore back is just because it’s change my posture but I think it’s going to be worth the €18 it cost).

Got to the caves place and had a pep talk from Jacky – there was a photographer for the local gay press and a journalist – we got a group photo and they wanted to chat to 4 volunteers – I didn’t and went off videoing and taking some photos – DVD doesn’t seem to be wanting to play on the laptop – I hope it’s going to read into the macMini at home for editing!? probably have a watch of it on the camera today to reassure myself. Don’t have PowerDVD on here was using VLC player – hopefully that’s the problem or I’ll have to disappoint the people I offered a copy to…

The tapas lunch included in the €10 was OK drank a couple of tumblers full of the local table wine fruity and not at all harsh. Had the local garlic butter type stuff to spread on the freshly baked petit pain rolls. Local cheese was bland and rubbery like mozzarella, Serrano ham was OK didn’t taste the Spanish omelette (understandably lol), no tomatoey sauce for the Canarian potatoes had extra ham from another table of guys who hadn’t even tried theirs :) Did chat to the guys at my table but only about the food. There was a Norwegian pensioner called Nils who was up and down from the table throughout the snack. He’s moved to Playa del Ingles for retirement and taken up a 2 year rental of an apartment already but, I think, regretting it already and was saying he may sub-let it and move somewhere more authentically Spanish… Seemed a nice chap not sure if he was gay or not lol did some more videoing and was tempted to pinch a toilet roll from the public loo – soft compared to the sandpaper like stuff at the apartment lol

Onto the village -- Aguimes. Had a feature of some bronze statues in the side streets – took pics o them chatted to Michelle one of the trannies and got her e-mail to make contact when DVD is edited also chatted to Nils and offered him a DVD too got his e-mail address. Also spoke to Jacky if she wanted to tell people I’d make copies of DVD if they want to contact through her.

On leaving the coach I asked the rep for contact details as was only by chance that I was on the blanket trip as self-organise my trips here. She gave me a local phone number of the office to be
able to get told pickup points next time. I was impressed by the presentation and do think I want to buy but this time money is tight – it’s about £900 for a bedding set with 2 pillows all totally Merino wool and soft was anything £1200 for a mattress as well in the deal you get a second set of bedding included but no second pillows as part of the deal – I think you get that even if you don’t take the mattress. I do intend to save up and buy next holiday here.

Went to Jackie’s bar to get sorted out for the Stewarding thing. After guddling about I got taken to see the President of GLAY that organise Pride and told they couldn’t sort me out until Jackie had handed in her paperwork to them lol went to see her and she had it back home so I went back and told them she’d get it to them tonight :) they told me there was a briefing for Stewards at Nestor tomorrow at 16:00hrs Helgor the owner of Nestor is organising the floats in the parade…

Went home and lazed reading Harry Potter then watched the second half of the Italian Job then went out for meal at Marbella – did look at other places around the Yumbo but they were really expensive. Had a pork escallop (battered not breaded but hey ho) nice enough but getting a little bored with the “salad” the 2 tomato slices were nice and ripe though :-P had planned to just go home and watch Get Real but went to Jackie’s for a pint – she told me that she had it all organised and she’d give me my T-shirt on Saturday – I said I’d been told to come to a briefing tomorrow… Oh, OK was the answer lol

Saw Graham and John on the way home as popped into the loos next to Nestor for a pee on the way. Said I might see them tomorrow night – they said they’d been in a hire car to visit Puerto Mogan and Puerto Rico and other villages on the way, Told them about gorge trip and said I could do them a DVD…

Went home and read more Harry Potter and G&T before bed.

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